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Houseplant: Air Humidity

Houseplants need a certain level of humidity to thrive. Ideally it should be similar to what that plant would have in its natural habitat.

Indoor Air Humidity

Successfully growing houseplants often hinges on being able to recreate as closely as possible the natural habitat of your plants. Have a look at the table below to see the amount of humidity required by different categories of plants. Most plants can thrive with a humidity level between 40 - 60%.

Type of PlantsIdeal Relative Humidity
Cacti and Succulent PlantsVery low humidity
Ferns30 - 50 %
Tropical plants50 - 75 %

Not enough humidity

One look at a plant will tell you how high or low the humidity is in the room.

humidity is too low:

  • The leaf tips and edges start to dry out
  • The leaves curl up
  • Leaves turn yellow or fall off
  • Alphids and bugs appear

How to provide for your plants

Apartment plants often suffer from too little humidity, particularly in the winter months when baseboard heaters tend to be on for hours.. The best way is to install a humidifier. But there are other ways.

  • Move your plants that need more humidity in a more humid location, such as in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Place the plant in a saucer of water with a bit of gravel in the bottom. Don't let the water touch the base of the pot, otherwise you might rot the roots. As the water evaporates it will humidify the plant.
  • Group houseplants together to create a microclimate thanks to the transpiration and moisture released by the soil
  • Cover your plants with glass bells or plastic bag
  • Spray your plants with water two or three times a week, preferable in the morning. If you have time, do it every day.

Too much humidity in the house

  • Incorporate tropical plants into your home. Although they don't like cold weather or drafts, they will absorb ambient humidity and reduce mold.

Watering, misting, a quarter turn, repotting... Don't we often say that indoor plants need TLC or even a few kind words.